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Supporting Your Veins when Pregnant

Supporting your veins when pregnant is very important. Your body goes through many drastic changes, and vein health is one of the areas that can be affected.

Why Are Veins at Risk in Pregnancy?

From the time of conception, a pregnant woman increases the fluid volume in her veins by 50%, and most of this is in the legs. The result is distention of the veins in the legs. Later, as the pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the pelvic veins. This further enlarges the veins in the legs by restricting outflow of blood.

In addition, hormone changes cause vein wall weakness. 30% of women develop vein problems with the first pregnancy, and this increases to 50% with two or more pregnancies. The veins of the legs and pelvis are also more vulnerable to deep vein thrombosisDecreased activity, sedentary habits and constricting garments can make things worse.

The added weight, pressure and hormone changes of pregnancy can increase the risk of developing venous disease.

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Using Compression Socks to Decrease Vein Issues in Pregnancy

Along with proper diet and exercise, graduated compression stockings are a powerful way to decrease vein issues in pregnancy. There is no way to completely avoid vein problems, especially if there is an inherited vein wall weakness, but we can decrease the severity.

Graduated compression supports veins that are being stressed by the rapid fluid gain that accompanies pregnancy. These measures help avoid vein damage and are important because your varicose vein risks only increase with each successive pregnancy. Nothing can completely prevent varicosities, but we can help decrease the extent of them and their consequences.

How VVC Supports Vein Health During Pregnancy

VVC supports vein health in pregnancy by offering a proactive treatment plan that helps avoid medical issues before they occur. Talk to a vein specialist today to find out how a little prevention in the early stages of your pregnancy can save you problems down the road. Vein treatments are not performed during pregnancy and preferably not for at least six weeks after delivery.

Best Vein Treatment from Vascular Vein Centers

Our team at Vascular Vein Centers makes it our priority to help you endure the challenges of pregnancy. Bringing a child into your life is a special experience, and our team is dedicated to giving you the best care possible. If you’re concerned about swelling or vein problems during pregnancy, reach out to one of our specialists to discuss your concerns and get help.

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