Is There Any Way to Avoid Varicose Veins?Feb 03, 2025Many older adults have conspicuous varicose veins on their legs. Are you doomed to get these twisted, bulging varicosities as you age, too? You won’t if you apply proven strategies to mitigate your risk. Learn more here.Continue reading →
WELCOME 2025Jan 15, 2025Vascular Vein Centers continues to serve patients and physicians for over 23 years. We are here for our wonderful patients who trust us to help them regain and maintain leg health. We are also here for our medical colleagues who trust us to take care of thContinue reading →
Is Post-Pregnancy Leg Swelling Normal?Jan 15, 2025Your legs, ankles, and feet were quite swollen at the end of your pregnancy — so why are they still swollen a few days after giving birth? Learn more about postpartum edema and what you can do to ease this normal (and short-lived) concern. Continue reading →
How Do I Put Compression Stockings On and How Long Do I Wear Them?Dec 17, 2024You’ve been prescribed compression therapy to support improved lower extremity circulation. Learn our top tips for donning your custom-fitted stockings — and general guidelines for when to wear them each day.Continue reading →
Telehealth: The Advantages of TelemedicineNov 20, 2024Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.Continue reading →
What Are The Similarities and Differences Between Spider and Varicose Veins?Nov 02, 2024Large, bulging varicose veins and sprawling networks of spider veins often have the same origin story and contributing set of risk factors. But these vascular distortions have key differences, too — learn more here. Continue reading →
Learn How We Can Banish Those Unsightly Spider Veins Oct 16, 2024Spider veins are a common problem but not one you have to live with — we can help you clear them from your skin in one quick in-office procedure. This October, you can book a full spider vein treatment at a discounted price. Continue reading →
Vascular Disease Screening: Who Needs It and When to Schedule ItSep 01, 2024A vascular disease screening uses noninvasive, high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound imaging) to visualize your blood vessels in real time. Learn how it works, what it can reveal about your circulatory health, and when it’s usually recommended. Continue reading →
What Types of Skin Changes Mean That I Might Have Vascular Disease?Aug 05, 2024Dry, itchy skin or scaly, discolored patches on your lower extremities may look a lot like a routine case of dermatitis, but such skin changes can arise from vascular disease and poor circulation, too. Learn more here. Continue reading →
Do I Need to Wear Compression Socks When Flying?Jul 15, 2024You’re planning to go on a long-haul flight this summer. Should you wear compression socks to prevent flight-induced leg swelling and reduce your risk of developing a dangerous deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? Find out here. Continue reading →
A Guide to Healthy Legs and Vascular Wellness for Active DadsJun 17, 2024Your veins work hard to keep your legs healthy, and you have the power to support — or undermine — their function. Learn how being proactive about vascular wellness can help you maintain strong, healthy legs for life. Continue reading →
Understanding the Different Types of Pregnancy-Related Vein IssuesMay 10, 2024Pregnancy has been called “nature’s stress test” because of the increased demand it places on your cardiovascular system. Here’s how pregnancy can strain and damage your veins — and what you can do to safeguard your circulatory health. Continue reading →
What Are the Symptoms of Vein Disease?Apr 04, 2024Millions of people in the United States live with some form of vein disease, including varicose leg veins and chronic venous insufficiency. Learn more about the warning signs of this common circulatory problem. Continue reading →
My Spider Veins Are Embarrassing: What Are My Treatment Options?Mar 02, 2024If you have unsightly, weblike spider veins on your legs or your face, you aren’t alone — as many as four in five adults develop them at some point. Learn why they appear, and find out how we can help you make them disappear for good. Continue reading →
I’m Pregnant: Should I Be Concerned About Vulvar Varicosities?Feb 09, 2024You may have been expecting morning sickness and heartburn during pregnancy, but no one told you to worry about vulvar varicosities, which are varicose veins on your genitals. Learn more about this common pregnancy-induced problem here. Continue reading →
Compression Socks Are Difficult to Put On: When Should I Wear Them?Jan 18, 2024Compression therapy is one of the simplest and most effective ways to assist and improve lower extremity circulation. Find out when you should wear your compression socks, and learn a few tips that will have you putting them on like a pro. Continue reading →
Welcome 2024 with Health y LegsJan 08, 2024Vascular Vein Centers continues to serve patients and physicians for over 22 years from the only IAC accredited Vein Centers in Central Florida.Continue reading →
Compression Socks Are Not All The SameJan 03, 2024Patients at Vascular Vein Centers are strongly encouraged to wear graduated, medical grade graduated compression stockings before and after treatment; they are the gold standard for management of symptoms and signs of venous disease. They help support the Continue reading →
Why Are DVTs So Dangerous?Dec 02, 2023Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) itself isn’t a life-threatening condition, but the blood clot it may cause can be deadly if it breaks free, travels through your bloodstream, and enters your lungs. Learn more here. Continue reading →
Why Do Vein Diseases Cause Itchy Skin?Nov 02, 2023Dermatological conditions and allergic reactions aren’t the only causes of itchy skin. Learn how venous disease can cause sluggish circulation that starves and damages your skin, and find out why expert evaluation and care are so important. Continue reading →
What to Expect After SclerotherapyOct 01, 2023Sclerotherapy is the gold-standard solution for many problematic veins, ranging from small and mid-sized varicose veins to sprawling networks of spider veins. Here’s what to expect after this minimally invasive, maximally effective procedure. Continue reading →
PECOS 2.0: CMS Updated Their WebsiteSep 11, 2023PECOS is a national filing system implemented by Medicare and then managed as a database of physicians. All Physicians credentialed as medical providers under Medicare are required to Register with CMS as part of this database.Continue reading →
Abnormal Skin Changes That Can Indicate a Vascular ProblemSep 01, 2023Varicose veins aren’t the only warning sign of poor lower extremity circulation. Learn how this common vascular problem can lead to abnormal skin changes — and find out why treatment is so important. Continue reading →
Orlando Magazine Hall of Fame - Dr. Martin Feature!Aug 09, 2023Samuel P Martin, MD FACS is the Founder & Medical Director of Vascular Vein Centers on a mission to employ the latest medical advances in compassionate and caring manner while education patients. Serving Central Florida for over 22 years!Continue reading →
How Often Should I Wear Compression Socks for Swollen Legs?Aug 02, 2023Whether your leg swelling is a temporary side effect of pregnancy or a long-standing issue caused by chronically poor circulation, compression therapy can help ease the problem. Read on to learn more about compression garment wear. Continue reading →
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Slow Healing Wound Jul 01, 2023If you have an open sore on your leg, ankle, or foot that just won’t seem to heal, it’s time to schedule a visit with our experts at Vascular Vein Centers. Here are three important reasons why you should never disregard a slow-healing wound. Continue reading →
Healthy Habits You Can Start Doing Today to Support Vein HealthJun 02, 2023Most adults in the United States can expect to develop vein problems as they get older. But varicose veins, spider veins, and poor circulation don’t have to be a foregone conclusion — here’s how you can support better vein health today. Continue reading →
Pregnancy and Varicose Veins: What's the Connection? May 02, 2023Many adults get varicose veins, but pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to developing them. Here, we explain why and offer effective ways to reduce your varicose vein risk when you’re expecting. Continue reading →
Long-term Management of Chronic Venous DiseaseApr 01, 2023Have you ‘finished’ your prescribed Treatment Plan?Continue reading →
The Link Between Smoking and DVTApr 01, 2023You know smoking increases your risk of developing lung cancer, but did you know it also takes a devastating toll on your cardiovascular system? Here’s how smoking damages your blood vessels and increases your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Continue reading →
Why Are Women More Likely to Get Varicose Veins?Mar 02, 2023Nearly one in four adults in the United States has varicose veins. Although anyone can get them, women are twice as likely than men to have them. Find out why — and learn how you can reduce your risk. Continue reading →
FEB is American Heart MonthFeb 01, 2023No matter where you are on your health journey, a healthier life is possible.Continue reading →
Why You Should Never Ignore Leg SwellingFeb 01, 2023There are many reasons — ranging from “no big deal” to “quite serious” — that your lower legs, ankles, and feet might become swollen. Learn more about lower extremity swelling, and find out why it usually requires expert evaluation. Continue reading →
Diabetes and Lower-Extremity Ulcers: How to Reduce Your RiskJan 12, 2023Leg and foot ulcers are a common, yet serious, complication of diabetes, but that doesn’t make them a foregone conclusion. Learn why these slow-healing sores develop, and find out how you can reduce your risk of getting them. Continue reading →
Welcome 2023 - VVC is The Only IAC Accredited Vein Center in Central FloridaDec 20, 2022Vascular Vein Centers continues to serve patients and physicians for over 21 years. We are here for our wonderful patients and physicians who trust us to help regain and maintain leg health. Continue reading →
Which Vein Treatment Is Right for Me?Dec 06, 2022Long gone are the days when surgery was the only option for unwanted varicose veins. Now, several minimally invasive varicose vein and spider vein treatments are available. Find out which vein solution may be right for you. Continue reading →
Medicare Open Enrollment – The BasicsNov 02, 2022October 15th through December 7th each year is the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period. Making a mistake in choosing the best plan for you could impact your healthcare and its cost for the rest of your life!Continue reading →
How to Manage Leg Swelling During Your PregnancyOct 03, 2022Leg swelling is a common experience for pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. Find out how you can manage this uncomfortable problem and alleviate your symptoms as your due date draws near. Continue reading →
Is It Safe to Travel with Painful Varicose Veins?Sep 02, 2022Long-distance travel and varicose veins are two major risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or the formation of dangerous blood clots. Find out how varicose veins and DVT are related, and learn how you can protect yourself when traveling. Continue reading →
VVC is an IAC Accredited VEIN CENTERAug 15, 2022IAC accreditation is the "seal of approval" patients can count on! VVC has demonstrated a commitment to quality patient care in the field of venous treatment and management. Continue reading →
Itchy Skin from Vein Disease: What You Need to KnowAug 03, 2022Varicose veins aren’t the only consequence of chronic venous insufficiency, or poor circulation in the lower legs. Learn how this common form of vein disease can lead to swelling and skin changes, and find out why early treatment is so important. Continue reading →
What Kind of Results Can I Get with Sclerotherapy?Jul 01, 2022Getting rid of spider veins and varicose veins has never been easier. Sclerotherapy is the leading treatment for unsightly veins. Read on to learn more about what to expect from this innovative treatment.Continue reading →
8 Things That Can Trigger DVTJun 02, 2022As the third most common vascular disease after heart attack and stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) affects hundreds of thousands of people each year. Learn which factors can increase your risk of developing this dangerous and often silent disorder. Continue reading →
Varicose Veins and Women's Health- Charles I Stein, MD, FACOGMay 03, 2022Varicose veins are unsightly sometimes bluish bulgy veins seen in the legs. In women these can result from pregnancies and may be exacerbated by cyclic hormone production, weakness of the vein wall, heredity, and lifestyle.Continue reading →
What Your Itching Skin May MeanApr 27, 2022Struggling with itching skin? If creams and lotions haven’t helped abate the itch, the issue may lie deeper than skin. This might be a vein problem. Read on to see what it could be and how to fix it.Continue reading →
You Can Get Comprehensive Vascular Care Right from the Comfort of Your HomeMar 31, 2022Finding it difficult to travel for in-person appointments? Whether it’s your schedule or lack of reliable transportation, we can help. With telehealth, you can take care of your vein health from home. Continue reading →
Pregnancy and Deep Vein Thrombosis: What You Need to KnowMar 07, 2022 Pregnancy is a time of great anticipation, so don’t let the fear of deep vein thrombosis overtake your excitement. You should know, though, that your risk for deep vein thrombosis increases during pregnancy. Learn more here. Continue reading →
Can Vein Problems Cause Itchiness?Jan 18, 2022Are you worried about itchiness around your veins? This could be because of underlying vein disease problems. Find out which ones and how to receive treatment by reading here.Continue reading →
Welcome 2022 - VVC Continues to be Safe & OpenJan 10, 2022As we progress into 2022, Vascular Vein Centers continues our commitment to healthy legs for a healthy life and we will serve our patients while exceeding CDC COVID-19 safety standards. Continue reading →
The Importance of Wearing Compression Socks While TravelingDec 10, 2021As the holidays approach, you may find yourself making travel plans. Whether you’re flying, driving, or taking a train, traveling can increase your risk of developing vein problems, swelling, and leg clots. Compression socks can help. Continue reading →
Understanding the Risk Factors for Vein DiseaseNov 10, 2021If you’ve noticed spider veins or varicose veins, you may be concerned. Are you worried about your vein health or want to know how to prevent vein disease? Find some of the risk factors here.Continue reading →
What Causes Spider VeinsOct 10, 2021Suffering with spider veins in your legs? They can be unsightly and cause you to cover your legs when you’re out in public or on the beach. Find out how to get help or what might be the possible causes of spider veins. Continue reading →
Try These Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Vein HealthSep 01, 2021Feeling uncomfortable because of poor vein health? Though treatments can help, lifestyle changes may improve or even reduce some of your symptoms. Find out about how to improve your vein health with these simple lifestyle changes. Continue reading →
Signs and Symptoms of EdemaAug 01, 2021Suffering from painful swelling in your legs or extremities? Edema is a common reason for swelling throughout your body, but can have many underlying causes. Here is more information on what edema is and how it can be treated.Continue reading →
Does Sclerotherapy Hurt?Jul 09, 2021One of the first questions asked when it comes to any medical procedure is, “Does it hurt?” The curiosity is no different when it comes to sclerotherapy, a popular treatment for damaged veins. Read on to have this question, and more, answered. Continue reading →
The Link Between Pregnancy and DVTJul 01, 2021Pregnancy is an exciting time, but there can be significant challenges and risks for the future mother. Aside from swelling, especially later in the pregnancy, there is an increased risk of blood clots (DVT) during the pregnancy and post-delivery.Continue reading →
How Smoking Can Damage Your VeinsJun 30, 2021Smoking cigarettes affects almost every organ in your body. You’re likely familiar with how smoking affects your lungs, but did you know your veins are at risk as well? Read on to learn about how smoking can damage your veins. Continue reading →
Banish Those Bothersome Varicose Veins Before SummerApr 19, 2021Summer is almost here, which means it’s time to hit the beach. If varicose veins are making you self-conscious about your legs or causing you pain, find out how you can banish them just in time for swimsuit season.Continue reading →
The Dangers of Deep Vein Thrombosis: The Silent KillerMar 18, 2021Being aware of the symptoms of DVT and the complications that come with it could be the difference between life and death. Read on to learn more about DVT and how to take fast action. Continue reading →
Everything You Should Know About Chronic Venous InsufficiencyFeb 17, 2021Early intervention for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can be the difference between easy, effective treatment and serious complications. Read on to discover everything you should know about CVI. Continue reading →
Post-Pregnancy Varicose Veins: What Are My Treatment Options?Jan 25, 2021As wonderful as pregnancy is, it can come with unwanted side effects, like varicose veins. If your varicose veins don’t go away on their own after giving birth, there are some treatment options available.Continue reading →
Welcome 2021!!Jan 06, 2021For over 19 years, we continue to serve our wonderful patients who trust us to help regain and maintain their leg health, and our colleagues in health care who trust us to continue to take care of their patients in a safe environment.Continue reading →
Healthy Legs Tips While Working from HomeDec 08, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and as such will remain open to service our patients. We want to make sure you maintain your leg health at home.Continue reading →
Gather Safely This Holiday Season & Donate to our Virtual Food DriveNov 23, 2020Please encourage COVID 19-SAFE family and friend gatherings! HELP US HELP OTHERS: For every $10 donated we can provide 40 meals for our neighbors in need. Second Harvest Virtual Food Drive (link below) Continue reading →
Thank you VeteransNov 10, 2020It is time to honor our veterans – the protectors of liberty and our ability to exercise freedom of choice and speech.Continue reading →
VVC Kissimmee is MOVING (not far away)Oct 19, 2020VVC Kissimmee is relocating the clinic. You asked for it & we heard you! New location is in the new Renaissance Building II on the corner of E. Osceola Pkwy & S. Orange AveContinue reading →
What Causes Spider Veins and How Can I Get Rid of Them?Sep 01, 2020Are your spider veins making you uncomfortable or self-conscious? Read on to learn more about spider veins, what causes them, what your risk factors might be, and how to get rid of them.Continue reading →
When Should I See a Doctor About Leg Swelling?Aug 18, 2020There are many medications and medical conditions that can cause swelling in your legs, ankles, and/or feet. Sometimes it passes on its own, but in other cases, the swelling is a sign of a more significant condition that needs to be assessed. Continue reading →
Say Goodbye to Varicose or Spider Veins Before Shorts Season: Learn All Your OptionsJul 01, 2020Are you thinking twice about wearing shorts this summer because of embarrassing veins? If so, it’s time to check out the many options that can vanquish unsightly veins, so you can bear your legs with confidence. Continue reading →
Complimentary Compression Fitting via Phone for COVID-19 First Responders & Healthcare WorkersJun 01, 2020Healthcare Helping Healthcare Heroes * VVC wants to thank our frontline responders and healthcare heroes who give so much of themselves every day to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.Continue reading →
Dr. Samuel P. Martin & Colin Doyle, APRN have been nominated as a JetBlue Healthcare HeroMay 28, 2020A big congratulations to Dr. Martin and Colin! A special thanks to the nominating committee for putting this effort forth and showing the world the greatness VVC holds for our patients!Continue reading →
We Are Your Home For Vein HealthMay 21, 2020Your leg health is vital to our expert vein specialists. We understand you have numerous vein treatment options, but you would be wise to turn to Vascular Vein Centers as Your Home for Vein Health.Continue reading →
Did You Know Covid-19 Affects The Entire Body?May 17, 2020Coronavirus COVID-19 (coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) is usually manifested as an acute respiratory syndrome. The damage can extend beyond the lungs, hijacking the body from head to toe and wreaking havoc on many organs.Continue reading →
We Are Open & Safe- Refer A FriendMay 11, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and is open to serve our patients in a safe environment. We encourage all of our patients to share your experience with your family and friends.Continue reading →
Actualización Sobre El Covid-19May 04, 2020Actualización Sobre El Covid-19: Prestamos Un Servicio Médico Esencial Y Estamos Abiertos Para Atenderlo.Continue reading →
Could Covid-19 Cause A Stroke?Apr 30, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is an essential medical practice and continues to remain open to serve our patients. We encourage our patients to follow CDC guidelines and maintain a healthy lifestyle.Continue reading →
Wear a Face Covering When in PublicApr 27, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and as such continues to remain open to serve our patients. We now encourage all of our patients to follow CDC guidelines with regard to face coverings.Continue reading →
Healthy Home Exercises for Your LegsApr 21, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and as such continues to remain open to serve our patients. We want to do all we can to ensure you are able to maintain healthy legs at home.Continue reading →
Healthy Legs At Home TIP: Exercise DailyApr 16, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and as such will remain open to service our patients. We want to make sure you maintain your leg health at home.Continue reading →
Managing Stress While Seeking Medical CareApr 14, 2020Each of us have daily tasks that must be completed; responsibilities outside of our control. These responsibilities combined with keeping you and your family safe during times of uncertainty is very stressful.Continue reading →
We Are Essential & Remain Open for YouApr 10, 2020The recent order given by Governor DeSantis confirms that Vascular Vein Centers is a medically-essential business. Therefore, we remain open to serve you, our valued patientsContinue reading →
Lake Mary and Waterford Lakes offices temporarily suspend seeing patientsApr 07, 2020COVID-19 UPDATE- VVC Reducing Our Footprint: Lake Mary and Waterford Lakes offices temporarily suspend seeing patientsContinue reading →
We Are Open & Safe- Covid-19 Symptom CheckerMar 31, 2020What does being sick with COVID-19 look like compared with a cold or the flu? Compare symptoms of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 to Cold/Upper Respiratory Infection, Allergies/Hay Fever and Influenza in this chart.Continue reading →
Covid-19 Update: We Are Open & Safe To Serve You- Dvt Rule-outs AvailableMar 28, 2020All Vascular Vein Centers Locations remain OPEN as free-standing clinics providing essential medical services dedicated to your leg health; including evaluation and treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).Continue reading →
Covid-19 Update: We Are Open & Safe- Visitor RestrictionsMar 24, 2020For the protection of patients and staff at Vascular Vein Centers, we have implemented a strict visitation restriction policy.Continue reading →
Covid-19 Update: We Will Remain Open & SafeMar 19, 2020Vascular Vein Centers is not affiliated with a hospital nor is it an ambulatory surgical center. As such we will remain open and will be available for your appointment.Continue reading →
Covid-19 Update: We Are Open & Safe For Your Leg Health NeedsMar 16, 2020All our locations are OPEN to provide excellent leg health services. We have enhanced our cleaning measures. We will stay in touch to inform you of on-going changes to our operations based on the current conditions.Continue reading →
Covid-19 Update: Letter from Dr. MartinMar 13, 2020Dr. Martin addresses the challenges of providing safe healthcare while the community is facing the spread of the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19.Continue reading →
DVT: The Silent KillerMar 04, 2020March is National Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month. DVT results from a blood clot in a deep vein, causing the dangerous obstruction of blood flow.Continue reading →
Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus COVID-19Mar 03, 2020The well-being of VVC patients, staff and the larger community are of utmost importance. VVC is following the Florida Department of Heath for updates regarding the latest coronavirus, Covid-19.Continue reading →
VenaSeal: The Latest Advance in Vein TherapyMar 02, 2020Recently, I discovered another vascular surgeon specializing in Vein Therapy had published an article on his website criticizing Cyanoacrylate, the medical adhesive used in VenaSeal vein treatment.Continue reading →
New Year's Letter from Dr. MartinJan 10, 2020Vascular Vein Centers, continues to be inspired by our wonderful patients, the trust they have in us to help them regain and maintain leg health, and by our colleagues in health care who trust us to take care of their patients...Continue reading →
Vascular Vein Centers Equip All Seven Central Florida Facilities Nov 11, 2019Vascular Vein Centers equip all seven Central Florida facilities with two models of GE Healthcare ultrasound equipment.Continue reading →
Go Deeper: Skin Changes and Vein DiseaseAug 12, 2019Skin discoloration and texture changes are common signs of more advanced vein disease. These skin changes are also often confused with other dermatological conditions and may go misdiagnosed for years due to a lack of awareness among doctors.Continue reading →
Men Have Vein Disease TooJun 13, 2019Men are generally slow to recognize vein disease and signs of its progression. Even when dealing with symptoms such as itchy, achy legs, they tend to be in a state of denial.Continue reading →
Women's Leg Health TipsMay 23, 2019Women face unique leg health problems even though there is no significant distinction between men and women from an arterial and orthopedic perspective. Vein problems are much more common in women, and the reasons are clear.Continue reading →
March is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness MonthMar 09, 2019Did you know that DVT affects about 600,000 people a year, and is the leading cause of preventable hospital deaths in the United States, the leading cause of maternal death in the United States ...Continue reading →
Not All Compression Socks are The SameFeb 12, 2019Patients at Vascular Vein Centers are strongly encouraged to wear medical grade graduated compression stockings before and after treatment; they are the gold standard for management of symptoms and the physical signs venous of disease.Continue reading →
"Be Weary of Miracle Cures for Varicose Veins"Dec 14, 2018In searching for cures or help with varicose and spider veins, one must beware of the quick fix or "miracle cure". Unfortunately, in America, there is a preoccupation for an easy solution, from losing weight to fitness and health.Continue reading →
Skin Discoloration Changes and Vein DiseaseSep 11, 2018Don't let these common skin changes be confused with other dermatological conditions. See what types of discoloration and skin texture changes are commonly misdiagnosed when they are likely signs of vein disease.Continue reading →
Hidden Occupational Hazards Behind Your ProfessionAug 08, 2018Discover how you can join workers all over the country who are protecting their legs from dangers of leg strain at work.Continue reading →
What Causes Spider Veins and Varicose Veins?May 10, 2018Have you had to wear long pants or skirts during the summer just to hide embarrassing spider veins or varicose veins on your legs?Continue reading →
Compression Stockings for AthletesMar 01, 2018Until recently compression stockings were used for people suffering from varicose veins and the skin conditions they cause. Often they were worn begrudgingly because of the difficulty getting them on and the perception that they were hot.Continue reading →
10 Tips for Healthy Legs During the Winter HolidaysDec 01, 2017With all the travel, shopping and cooking of the holidays, it’s easy to forget about the extra physical stress you’ll be under. You can expect to spend many extra hours on your feet, and it’s your legs that will take the brunt of this extra standing.Continue reading →
Getting a Leg Up on Health: Cancer Creates a Risk for Blood ClotsOct 01, 2017Thrombosis (blood clots) is the second-leading cause of death in patients with cancer. Breast cancer increases the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), usually in the legs. Continue reading →
September is National Vascular Disease Awareness Month!Sep 02, 2017September is National Vascular Disease Awareness Month. Dr. Martin shares information about vein disease and how vascular disease affects the health of arteries and veins.Continue reading →
Swimming, the Perfect Exercise for Leg HealthJul 28, 2017Did you know that being in water is the only place that gravity doesn’t affect your leg veins, other than outer space or standing on your head? This is a good reason to get wet, especially at the end of the day!Continue reading →
Summer Heat and Its Effect on VeinsJun 22, 2017Did you know that over 24 million Americans suffer from vein issues and summer heat makes these worse? See Dr. Martin’s tips to beat the heat this summer. Protect your vein health and avoid swelling and discomfort that summer heat can cause.Continue reading →
How Your Heart Health Impacts Your Leg VeinsFeb 03, 2017Vein issues do not affect your heart health, but it’s important to recognize that a heart condition may make vein problems worse. If you suffer from a heart problem, you need to find out why your leg veins may be at risk for getting much worse.Continue reading →
Unsightly Veins can lead to Unhealthy LegsApr 16, 2016Many suffer from unsightly spider veins and varicose veins. Vein disease symptoms can range from mild discomfort to pain, but they all have one thing in common: ignoring them allows the problem to progress.Continue reading →
See How Your Age Impacts Your Vein HealthOct 29, 2015Not surprisingly, your age plays a big role in your vein health. Vein damage is cumulative, so the longer we live, the more strain our veins have endured. By the time we reach an advanced age, our legs have undergone many years of stress.Continue reading →
Pool Therapy Helps Vein IssuesAug 14, 2015Water is the only place that gravity does not affect veins. Gravity’s long-term impact on our bodies is the main reason vein disease develops. Veins are responsible for returning blood back to the heart.Continue reading →
3 Reasons to Choose Compression Therapy with Today’s Compression StockingsJul 15, 2015Did you know that one of the best things that you can do to maintain your leg health is to use compression therapy by wearing medical grade compression stockings? It’s true.Continue reading →
Medical Mission Donations UpdateMay 08, 2015Dr. Hart and the rest of the VVC Medical Mission team are preparing for the third annual trip to deliver vein care in the Dominican Republic, but they need your help.Continue reading →
Unsightly Veins May Indicate Unhealthy LegsApr 01, 2015Many women suffer from unsightly spider veins and varicose veins. Not only are these veins an eyesore, they can also cause irritation and pain. Fortunately, with today’s modern treatments, you no longer have to undergo painful surgeries or ...Continue reading →
New Vein Removal Treats with No Scarring and Short RecoveryFeb 26, 2015Patients often come to us knowing they have problems with their veins, but they are worried about the process of “vein removal.” This fear may come from a loved one’s past experiences or personally from a “ligation and stripping” procedure ...Continue reading →
Three Ways to Find the Right Vein Doctor FastDec 20, 2014Last month, we discussed who you should choose to treat your vein issues. This week, we’re showing you the three best ways to spot that perfect specialist.Continue reading →
Who Should I Let Take Care of My Vein Problems?Nov 15, 2014This is a very important question and will affect your leg health for years. The treatment of venous insufficiency is a medical problem, not a cosmetic one. If you need surgery, you want an experienced surgeon with proper training from ...Continue reading →
See Your Spider Vein Removal, Prevention and Treatment OptionsOct 30, 2014Now that you know what spider veins look like and their causes, it’s time to discuss your spider vein removal options. Many of the factors that contribute to spider vein development can be avoided and preventative measures can be taken.Continue reading →
Must-See Details before Undergoing Spider Vein RemovalOct 23, 2014What Are Spider Veins? Spider veins are the small red or purple vessels which may develop on the surface of the skin and are commonly found on the face or legs. As you can imagine, the presence of these vessels can be very distressing.Continue reading →
1 in 3 Americans Over 45 has Vein Disease—Do You?Oct 17, 2014Last month, we joined The American Venous Forum in promoting Venous Health Month, the official time of the year dedicated to raising awareness of venous disease and its complications.Continue reading →
Identifying and Treating Restless Leg SyndromeOct 09, 2014Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a poorly understood condition that can have multiple causes. While often described as a “neurological disorder" characterized by an irresistible urge to move one’s body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations ...Continue reading →
Stylish or Scary? 4 Dangers of High Heels for Little GirlsSep 24, 2014Spurred on by photos of pint-sized fashion icons like Suri Cruise sporting shoes matching her mom’s style, little girls’ high heels have spiked in popularity over the last couple of years.Continue reading →
See When to Seek Vein Treatment for CVIAug 16, 2014Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is one of the most common problems we see as vascular surgeons. Venous insufficiency, which affects over half of the population, greatly impacts your quality of life and overall leg health ...Continue reading →
VVC’s 3 Biggest Winner Health Competition ChampionsAug 06, 2014Our team at VVC is proud to announce the three winners of our very first employee wellness program, The Biggest Winner! 33 contestants participated, and the following three ladies led the pack in their individual achievement categories:Continue reading →
Discover Why Summer Heat Adds another Vein Health ChallengeJul 19, 2014Did you know: Over 24 million Americans suffer from vein problems Over $3 billion is spent yearly on health care due to vein ulcers Another 2-2.5 million suffer from Deep Vein ThrombosisContinue reading →
Simplify Compression Therapy With Doff N’ DonnerJun 17, 2014Compression therapy offers a powerful tool to improve your vein health, but how many times have you struggled to put on these tight garments? Particularly if you have reduced flexibility or pain, properly putting these fitted socks and ...Continue reading →
Exposing a Dirty Health Secret about Men this Father’s DayJun 03, 2014Father’s Day is almost here, so there’s no better time to reveal a dirty health secret about men: They tend to have less awareness of their physical health! Unlike women, men tend to overlook problems even if they’re struggling with uncomfortable symptoms.Continue reading →
Shoe Review Roundup: 9 Styles to Make or Break Leg HealthMay 09, 2014Here’s a variety of shoe fashions and styles to fit any occasion. But just because they’re a stylish fit doesn’t mean they’re fitting for your leg health. Here’s the good, the bad and the ugly of our 9 most recent shoes reviewed!Continue reading →
Shoe Review Saturday March Roundup: Meet Your MatchMar 14, 2014When you’re deciding which shoe to wear for the day, you should look less at matching it with the outfit and more at matching it with the outing. The right shoe can support your leg health all day, keeping you comfortable and happy!Continue reading →
Fight the “Silent Killer” with VVC during DVT Awareness MonthMar 11, 2014March is DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) awareness month. It has only been in the last few years that the public has become aware of the significance of clots in the deep veins.Continue reading →
Love Your Legs with Our Last 3 TipsMar 04, 2014Here are our three final tips on how to show your legs some love! And remember, Tip #1 was: Don’t Assume Spider Veins are Only Cosmetic – Those cosmetic blemishes can indicate an underlying vein problem!Continue reading →
Shoe Review Saturday: Killer Looks without Killing Your LegsFeb 28, 2014The right shoe can make or break an outfit. But proper footwear is also essential to support your leg health. Here’s an overview of four shoes we recently reviewed and our recommendations on each.Continue reading →
Love Your Legs Tip #1: Don’t Assume Spider Veins are Only CosmeticFeb 04, 2014This February we’re giving you four ways to love your legs! From dangerous misconceptions to essential treatment tips, you’ll learn the important info you need to show your legs some love this month!Continue reading →
The Message Behind Our New LogoMay 27, 2013Vascular Vein Centers celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2011. Although Dr. Sam Martin has been in practice for 30 years, it was 10 years ago that he started the first practice dedicated to the treatment of vein problems.Continue reading →
Join Us for Patient Appreciation DayMay 27, 2013We’re celebrating our 10th Anniversary this June! What an exciting decade—and we’re looking forward to the many more exciting years to come. We know we owe our success to our loyal patients, friends and family ...Continue reading →
The ABC’s for Women’s Leg HealthMay 01, 2013Women face unique leg health problems even though there is no distinction between men and women from an arterial and orthopedic perspective. Vein problems are much more common in women, and the reasons are clear.Continue reading →
Coalition Declares March as DVT monthFeb 23, 2013March is DVT awareness month!... The National Coalition to prevent DVT and raise awareness of this serious medical condition has declared march as DVT awareness month in memory of NBC News correspondent who died from complications of ...Continue reading →
DVT...Prevention is Key!Feb 23, 2013When it comes to DVT...prevention is key! Although DVT (deep vein thrombosis or blood clot) can occur with little or no warning, your risk can be reduced by taking the appropriate preventative care...Continue reading →
Restless Leg Syndrome and Chronic Venous Insufficiency...Is There a Correlation?Jan 12, 2013Restless leg syndrome is thought to be a neurological disorder associated with unpleasant sensations in the extremities...It is usually described as burning, crawling, creeping, tugging, electrical shocks , and crazy limbs.Continue reading →
Vein Question and Answer Session on Public Broadcasting System (PBS)Aug 20, 2012The American College of Phlebology recently had a 25 minute interview on national television (PBS) with prominent Phlebologists (vein doctors) across the country in regards to understanding vein disease and the signs and symptoms.Continue reading →
Athletic Compression Stockings Can Increase PerformanceJul 14, 2012Athletic compression stockings have gained considerably popularity within the last year. The question is, do they help performance? A recent study conducted by the Harvard Medical International Associated Institution confirmed that ...Continue reading →
Video- "Understanding Your Vein Disease"May 18, 2012Vascular Vein Centers Founder and Medical director, Dr. Sam Martin, explains what venous disease is, signs and symptoms and the latest non-surgical treatments available. This 4 minute video is must see! Simply click this link to watch.Continue reading →
Are Your Veins at Risk?Jan 18, 2012Are your veins at risk? You could be suffering from vein disease without even knowing it. One out of three people over the age of 45 has some form of vein disease.Continue reading →
Helping Legs on the Move!Nov 17, 2011As more people travel long distances by air and car, the problem of travel-related leg discomfort is on the rise... That is because during travel, blood circulation within the legs is reduced while your movement is constrained.Continue reading →
Why Laser Therapy and Foam Therapy Rather than SurgeryMay 10, 2011Surgery has been shown over time to be effective. In the past, I performed many strippings when it was considered the best therapy. Surgery entailed multiple incisions in the leg under general anesthesia.Continue reading →