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Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus COVID-19

By Nadene Weil, Director of Patient & Physician Relations

The well-being of VVC patients, staff and the larger community are of utmost importance. VVC is following the Florida Department of Heath for updates regarding the latest coronavirus, Covid-19.

The strongest recommendations are below:

Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus COVID-19. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Pub­lic health ex­perts ad­vise stay­ing calm and fol­low­ing the same pre­cau­tions rec­om­mended for pre­vent­ing flu or any other res­pi­ra­tory virus. Right now the odds are far greater that your cold or fever is caused by in­fluenza or an­other res­pi­ra­tory dis­ease, says Gre­gory Poland, di­rec­tor of the Mayo Clin­ic’s Vac­cine Re­search Group in Rochester, Minn. (

If you have a fever or symptoms of a respiratory illness, please reach out to reschedule your appointment:

Toll free: (877) 244-8558

Contact Us:

For most recent updates: Florida Department of Health

Florida's COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard- Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection

Coronavirus disease COVID-19 advice for the public from the World Health Organization:

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