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Pool Therapy Helps Vein Issues

By Dr. Samuel P. Martin M.D.

Water is the only place that gravity does not affect veins. Gravity’s long-term impact on our bodies is the main reason vein disease develops. Veins are responsible for returning blood back to the heart. They have a tough job because blood has to travel uphill against gravity.

Many factors can stretch veins and cause them to become varicose and malfunction:

Occupational risks
Standing or sitting for long periods of time
Hormonal factors

However, because swimming has anti-gravity effects, it is one of the best ways to take the pressure off veins and promote leg health.

Daily immersion in water, whether it is sitting, walking, swimming or pedaling with an Aqua Jogger or other buoyant device, is helpful. Most people feel relief from the familiar aching, throbbing and pressure of vein disease, especially if their occupation requires prolonged standing or sitting in one place.

What Symptoms Does Pool Therapy Relieve?

Pool therapy relieves the symptoms of spider and varicose veins, including aching, burning, heaviness, pressure, cramping, and swelling of the legs and ankles. Ultimately, these issues can lead to skin changes and ulcers in the gaiter area of the leg.

Questions about more tips, techniques and lifestyle changes that can help you relieve the symptoms of your vein issues? Reach out to a vascular specialist to discuss some of the best steps to get relief from your vein discomfort!

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