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Can Vein Problems Cause Itchiness?


Vein problems can cause all sorts of uncomfortable symptoms. One you may not expect is itchiness. Below we outline the most common types of vein issues that can make you itch and what you can do about them.

At Vascular Vein Centers, we treat many vein problems, including spider veins and varicose veins. We have treatment centers at different locations throughout Florida and are happy to assist you at any of these facilities. 

If you’re concerned about itchy feelings around your veins, here’s what to know and how our team can help.

Diseases that cause itchiness

There is not one particular vein disease that leads to itchiness. Often the itchiness is also paired with a specific, underlying problem. However, certain vein diseases can cause you to itch more than others, and we highlight a couple of these for you here. 

Varicose veins

If you suffer from swollen veins or veins that look twisted, you may have varicose veins. Varicose veins often can be diagnosed easily as the swollen and twisted veins look visible to the naked eye. 

Varicose veins cause your veins to become inflamed. It’s this inflammation that, in turn, makes your surrounding skin itch.  

Spider veins

When you get small blood vessels in the skin that resemble spider webs, it may mean you suffer from spider veins. Spider veins usually aren’t a cause for concern, but like varicose veins, they can lead to uncomfortable itching. 

You can sometimes reduce spider veins through exercise and keeping active. However, if you spend too much time on your feet, you may need compression stockings to stop spider veins from developing. That’s why it can be tough to find the right balance between staying active and resting your legs without the help of a vein expert. 


Edema is a type of leg swelling that can often be caused by fluid buildup in your veins. This can then lead to your skin stretching, which often makes you itchy. You will usually only experience itchiness while your skin stretches, but it is still uncomfortable nonetheless. 


We described above some types of vein disease that can lead to itchiness. In most cases, this goes away if you receive treatment for the underlying vein disease that causes the itch. 

Depending on your vein condition, we offer customizable treatment options. Our treatment options include:

If you would like to get an assessment and receive treatment for your vein-related itchiness, use our online booking system to make an appointment at Vascular Vein Centers in centers across Florida.

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