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Browse Our VVC Videos

Dr. Martin and his specialists regularly share information on the most important vein health topics. View our VVC videos below to see the latest discussions on vascular veins, spider veins and related topics.

A Welcome Message From Dr. Martin

Dr. Sam Martin welcomes you to VVC and shares how his practice’s personalized care offers you the best vein health!


What is Vein Disease?

In the United States it is estimated that 25 million people have varicose veins. By the time we reach our 60's it is estimated that 72% of women and 42% of men will experience varicose veins. Over $1 billion is spent annually for the complications of varicose veins, predominately ulcers.



Cosmetic Sclerotherapy Laser Therapy

Vascular Vein Centers uses a combination of laser and injection sclerotherapy to eliminate the spider veins and the feeder vein network (called reticular or blue veins). The laser primarily closes down the surface spider veins, and injection of sclerosant is used to close the underlying feeder veins.


Leg Health Tips from Vascular Vein Centers

Leg Health Tips for Itchy, Heavy, Tired Legs



El Ciclo de Cuidado de Vascular Vein Center

Los médicos de Vascular Vein Centers entienden que la condición de sus venas puede ser causada por un tejido vascular profundo defectuoso.


Cycle of Care

To ensure you receive the highest level of care and longest-lasting results, the medical experts at Vascular Vein Centers have established a six-step Cycle of Care that allows our providers to evaluate, understand, treat, and follow-up on your vein condition. Our comprehensive process ensures you will receive the most advanced treatments for your varicose veins, and face, hand and spider veins.



Entendimiento Vena Enfermedad

Es importante el reconocer enfermedades cardiovasculares que pueden comenzar con la aparicion de venas varicosas.


Donning Thigh High Stocking Using SIGVARIS Doff N Donner

This device uses a ring-shaped water balloon, called a toroid, to assist with putting your socks on or taking them off.



How to Put On Juzo Compression Stockings Using the Juzo Slippie Gator

This donning and doffing device helps you put on and remove your stockings easily and conveniently. Its small size also makes it easy to carry and store.


Mediven Butler Stocking Aid Video Review

This metal stand stretches the stocking fabric, making it easier to insert your foot. You then simply pull the handles with a gentle jerking action to pull the stocking up to your knee.



Journey into the Veins

Watch this video by Daflon to learn more about your veins


Understanding the Ultrasound Scan

Dr. Arnold, vascular surgeon, explains the importance of taking an ultrasound to understand the status of your leg vein health.



"I like your crew and appreciate it when they accept my off beat sense of humor. "

— Stu R, Orlando

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